Education Agent (EOI & Recruitment) Registration

In-order to assist VIT in the selection of its Agents, please complete the Online EOI Form.

Education Images
Education Images

    Company Background

    1. Organisation Details

    Other Offices

    2. Other Offices: Please provide all other office locations (if operating more than one); addresses, details for each staff member and key contact person for each location

    Education & Bussiness

    3. List all Australian education providers your company represents*

    4. Description of core business and whether recruitment of students is the main component of your business? *

    5. Number of years in business as a Student Education Agent

    6. List the countries (including any overseas locations) where you have contacts/operate and are interested in representing/sourcing students i.e. recruit potential students to VIT*

    7. Total number of students referred to Australian education institutions and the type of course admissions over the last three years*
    University/ Institution Course Type/ Name Total No. of Students
    8. It is mandatory that one of your staff is a Qualified Education Agent Counsellor i.e., has a PIER certificate, please attach certificate*

    Any Judgement

    9. Are there any judgments, orders or proceedings against your company, application for its winding up, dissolution, liquidation or cessation of its business?

    Courses Category

    10. Which of the following categories of courses do you want to recruit students for VIT ?*
    S No Category Yes No
    1 VET Courses
    2 Higher Education Courses

    Director's Details

    11. Details of Business Owner / Director(s) background, qualifications and previous experience*


    12. Please list the names of two (2) relevant and independent referees (preferably
    established education providers) who can confirmyour track record and your company’s financial
    Referee 1 Referee 2

    Other Information

    13. Please use the space provided below to include any other information you consider to be of importance to this application. Information must include a brief business plan outlining proposed student recruitment activities and target number of students you are planning to recruit for VIT. To support your application, any supplementary documents should be included with this Application Form*


    14. Please ensure the following supporting documents have been attached – Business Profile and
    Copy of Business Registration Certificate (ABN/ACN) as issued by the relevant government
    department in your country. Failure to supply these two required documents will result in delay of
    the application being processed Supporting document attachments (maximum size 10MB) should
    be in any one of these formats:.doc; .docx; .pdf; .jpeg; .png; .rtf; .txt; .gif

    Certified copy of Business Registration*

    Company Profile/Business Plan including annual marketing initiatives*

    Qualified QEAC counsellor if applicable(Certificate of Attainment/s)

    Any Additional Comments/Attachments

    Bank Account Details

    15. Bank Account Details

    Agent Account Officer

    16. Agent Account Officer (key contact person)


    17. Name of VIT Representative or Account Manager with whom you have exchanged
    communication or been in contact *

    Proposed Agreement & Declaration

    18. I acknowledge that approval of this application is conditional upon my company entering into an agreement with VIT in accordance with the National Code 2007 and ESOS Act 2000. I confirm that the answers and details provided are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I authorize VIT to contact the referees to collect any information as required from time to time.


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    Clear Signature